
Marketing made easy with algorithmic learning

The future of marketing is robotic.

Associate Professor Richi Nayak, a program leader with QUT’s Centre for Data Science, has combined artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data to develop a prototype of data-driven marketing platform called Robotic Marketer.

Complaints soar over 'politically incorrect' Australia Day ads

Published on The Sydney Morning Herald written by Brooke Gibbs.

Australia Day advertising campaigns are fraught with danger as society becomes more politically correct and complaints soar, say industry experts.

Event Marketing - Get Noticed

By Ian Lloyd Neubauer, published in CEI.ASIA

Insider tips on how to navigate the new wave of marketing tools By Ian Lloyd Neubauer

The core aim of marketing—creating and communicating a brandidentity—hasn’t changed. But in the brave new world of digital overlay,the number of marketing tools to choose from is stupefying. Here weshare eight tried, trusted and trending ways to market your events:

Tesla Motors: Five things you can learn from the electric car startup

Published on Shortpress written by Sylvia Pennington.

American entrepreneur Elon Musk is the driving force behind Tesla Motors, the electric car startup named in honour of iconic electrical engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla.

Superlative branding and marketing have seen Tesla’s offerings develop extraordinary cachet since the 2008 launch of its first vehicle, the sleek and sexy Tesla Roadster.

So what lessons can small business owners take from the Tesla marketing playbook?

Six ways to get people to trust you

Published on The Age on November 5, 2014 and written by Sylvia Pennington.

It's one of the most critical - and sometimes ephemeral - aspects of business. So how do you get it?

Money may make the business world go round – but hot on its heels comes trust; the belief that the person we're dealing with is honest and will act in good faith. Most of us like to think of ourselves as "trustworthy" – but what does it actually mean and how do we go about convincing others that we merit the description?

Marketing Eye Receives 2014 Best of Cave Creek Award

Marketing Eye has been selected for the 2014 Best of Cave Creek Award in the Web Services category by the Cave Creek Award Program.

Each year, the Cave Creek Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Cave Creek area a great place to live, work and play.

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    Marketing Eye3423 Piedmont Rd., NE Atlanta, GA30305
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
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