Case Studies
Yusen Logistics

The Challenge
NYK Logistics changed its name to Yusen Logistics and needed to communicate with the market not only its name change, but the fact that the company now has 36 countries in which they have operations in.
What is both a positive and can also be seen as restrictive, is that there are cultural considerations when it comes to marketing Yusen Logistics in the Australian market.
“Yusen Logistics is a Japanese owned company with local operations in Australia,” said Julie Schoneveld, Chief Executive Officer of Marketing Eye.
“This is important because this heritage is an advantage for the company with its long history and quality of service.”
“They have a more considered approach to the way they do business and are in there for the long-haul. Their rebrand was completed in a systematic way and now the challenge is to communicate the rebrand and the value that Yusen Logistics offers the market.”
The Approach
For Yusen Logistics, it was important that everyone had buy-in to the marketing strategy. After a 3 hour workshop, Marketing Eye was able to gather the information required to better understand what Yusen Logistics was looking for not only from their marketing strategy but also from a marketing partner.
“The workshop was one of the best we have done for a logistics solution provider because everyone had their say and they were able to clearly communicate what they are looking for from their marketing strategy,” said Schoneveld.
After the strategy was developed, Marketing Eye presented the strategy at an internal conference for management and the sales team.
“This was important because it was ‘their strategy’ and for it to work, we needed them to have 100% buy-in and commitment to it succeeding.”
The Process
Marketing Eye developed a workshop that was tailored to Yusen Logistics needs. When Marketing Eye approached the marketing strategy, it was important that as a company, we took our experience of working with other Japanese companies and tailored the way we communicate to their individual needs.
“We saw ways immediate on how we can improve their marketing capabilities but like all situations, it has to be implemented over time and we have 12 months in which to ensure that Yusen Logistics marketing activities support their overall business plan.”